IMAGE 1: The planning..
Image 2: Placement of the beads on the index card. The card is taped to the table on one side, and
a piece of string is taped to the card on the other side.
Image 3: This image depicts how
the launchpad system works. The user places the beans on the specified point on the card. The user then pulls up quickly on the string, and the beans project forward 1 meter into the backstop.
Image 4: This image depicts the backstop that is placed exactly 1 meter in front of the launchpad system. It is comprised of 3 index cards folded approximately 1 centimeter in the edge. There are two pieces of tape holding the cards together, and the cards to the table. The backstop serves to stop the bea
ns from overshooting the 1 meter goal.
So, here is a video of our bean projection system in action. :)